The Ballyhooed Broccoli Casserole

Along about the holidays each year I get the calls for my broccoli casserole recipe. It isn’t really mine, of course. Years ago—when I lived in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia–I was introduced one Christmas to this broccoli casserole, and it was the best I had ever tasted.  There are …

Awaiting the Cactus Flower

My cactus finally bloomed, after only 16 years of waiting. Sixteen years ago, as I raided the seed package carousel at the local Walmart, I came upon one package entitled “Desert Cactus Plants.”  It had a photo of various types of cactus, none of which I was familiar with.  We …

Tame a Wall With Trailing Petunias

Time to spice up that old wall with a splash of summer-long color. There is a tendency among gardeners who want to dress up their concrete walls to plant some creeping phlox and be done with it.  And why not?  Phlox is a perennial that will return to bloom year …

Portulaca Proud

The portulaca is blooming again–and boy, is it a stunner. I have used portulaca all the traditional ways—concrete pots, flower beds, and as an under-planting for larger flowering plants like zinnias. Once I stuck a handful of plants into the hollowed-out portion of an old stump. That ended up looking …

Yummy Chicken Vegetable Soup

Easy and delicious tomato-based soup. Yummy Chicken and Vegetable Soup 2 boneless/skinless chicken breasts cooked and cut into cubes (mine had been sauteed in mix of olive oil and butter, no batter added, drained and cooled) 2 large cans of whole tomatoes (remove cores and break tomatoes up with fingers) …

Hydrangeas in Bloom

It’s Hydrangea time in the Midwest.  Hydrangeas are a lovely perennial with either beautiful blue or pink flowers.  There are also white varieties.  Hydrangea leaves tend to burn in the hot sun, and they are lovers of moisture, so place the young shrubs in a semi-shady location that gets plenty …

Bananas and Elephant Ears “Up North”

Maybe it’s one of the few perks of climate change–but folks around the upper south are growing tropical plants outdoors a lot more than they used to.  And with good reason. Banana plants make good and fast shade The tropical plants most used around our region seem to be elephant …

Braving the Blackberry Patch

The blackberry patch in the wild can be treacherous. Left to its own devices, the newer growth rises up to supplant the older dead vines. In this way the young leafy vines rest atop the older, woody vines. In spring the entire patch is crowned with a golden green, then …

Satisfaction vs. Job Performance

Since the beginning of the human relations movement the theory that “satisfaction causes performance” has been widely accepted.  A more recent theory maintains that “performance causes satisfaction” and has also gained prominence.  An even newer theory now insists that satisfaction and performance are not related, but that both satisfaction and …

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